Visit with Michel Garcia ~ Provence, France
My husband and I traveled to France these past few weeks to explore the region of woad in Occitanie and to visit with a renowned natural dyer and educator, Michel Garcia. He lives in Lauris, Provence and after a 3 hour drive, he invited us to his studio for a couple of hours of magic.
Michel Garcia & his studio
I learned so much about the blue pigment and the other ways to extract it. I practice the ancient fermentation way but he taught me the dry leaf method and I was astonished! Steeping, mixing with a hand-held mixer, microwaving to dry the mud ball - yes, microwaving!! - 1.2.3 DONE!
Indigo Pigment making process
So this year, I am going to be able to produce purer, faster, better quality blue pigment from our local indigo leaf and create even more beautiful napkins and scarves for you.
Excited for 2018!
... your indigo girl!