New Spring/Summer collection 2024

Frequently, I'm asked about the meaning of CHI. CHI embodies energy, vitality, vigor, and life. Why choose such a name for my indigo business? The indigo plant, a vital and energetic entity, is often associated with negativity due to its historical context. However, I prefer to perceive it as a bearer of positive energy, represented by its pink blooms and the calming color blue they emit.

Over the past decade, my mission has been to revive indigo cultivation in South Carolina and harness its blue pigment to recreate a sought-after product line for nature enthusiasts. This year's product line features enhanced natural and sustainable processes, including natural indigo processed last fall on Edisto Island SC, intricate plant and flower patterns for a rich and vintage feel, and the utilization of indigo painting instead of dyeing to minimize water usage.

Explore the latest Spring/Summer collection, now available online.

xoxo, Caroline


When to grow Indigofera suffruticosa?


The Indigo Inn Project